Plan smarter with ADP's Solutions

ADP - Payroll & HR Solutions

a pen on a weekly timesheet

ADP's scalable suite of payroll and HR solutions can help address everything from hire to retire, so you can go back to growing the business you’ve put so much work into building.

ADP’s Solutions Can Help You:

Gain better control of your cash

  • Get better visibility into your cash with reporting and payroll liability previews

  • Access seamless general ledger integration with popular bookkeeping software

  • Improve your cash flow predictability and eliminate the risk of large upfront premium deposits when you use ADP’s Pay-by-Pay® Premium Payment Program for Workers’ Compensation Insurance**

Effectively manage and retain your people

  • Access live HR support, best practices, and cutting-edge technology to efficiently manage your day-to-day responsibilities

  • Offer big company benefits such as employee discounts and wellness programs

  • Offer attractive optional benefits such as retirement plans and, through ADPIA*, group health insurance

  • Fully outsource your payroll, HR and benefits administration with a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) relationship

Reduce your compliance risk

  • Automated federal, state and local payroll tax management for greater accuracy no matter where you do business

  • Leverage a dedicated HR portal that places critical information in your hands, an easy-to-use wizard for creating and updating your employee handbook, job descriptions, access to background checks, and alerts on legislative changes

  • Confidently hire the most qualified candidates for any industry with ZipRecruiter

  • Versatile time tracking and scheduling solutions to help enhance payroll accuracy and improve compliance

Together we can find new ways to help you and your company succeed.

Contact our ADP sales representative today to learn more!

Let Medium of Exchange Firm relieve your tax & bookkeeping stress today.
Jersey City-based Tax & Bookkeeping Experts and Proud Partner of ADP.